Age: 36 Selection: "The Great Boston Molasses
Flood" (page 28) Recent review (from Zine World): "MCBF
was the first zine I ever bought, and it still engrosses me for
hours when the new issue comes out... Delightfully demented." Sample: $2 cash from P.O. Box 640111,
San Francisco, CA 94164 MCBF
Library Blog
When did you launch your zine? What inspired you to do so?
I started MCBF in 1986 to
provide a sordid outlet for my more unhealthy obsessions.Why publish a zine?
Because no one else will do
it for me. Any general tips for aspiring zinesters?
Spring for a saddle stapler,
and never try to ride a bus carrying forty pounds of zines. Also
remember that no matter how good your zine is, it really sucks
and you should try to make it better next time. What's your favorite part of doing a zine?
Sending the new issue off
to the printer. In my other life, I'm a:
A mild-mannered civil servant. Death at Disneyland An Interview
with John Marr
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