Some Comments, History & Opinionations
Concerning Fanzines & 'Zines by Don
FitchIn the mid-to-late 1920s, some of the pulp Science
Fiction magazines (aimed at middle-class adolescent males interested
in Science & New Inventions (The Coming Thing, at that time,
maybe the beginning of The Technology Revolution) started publishing
columns of their readers' letters, with their addresses). This
led first to fans of the genre exchanging correspondence, then
to the discovery that old mimeograph or ditto machines could
often be found at a cheap price, and that you could send 8 pages
of words for a three-cent postage stamp, thus communicating with
several dozen people who shared your peculiar interests (you'd
be lucky if you discovered as many as 2 or 3 such /w/e/i/r/d/o/s/
people in your geographic/social area). These publications
were called "fanmags" in the early days, but Louis
Russell Chauvenet (who's still publishing) coined "fanzine"
about 1942 and it became the common usage, sometimes abbreviated
to "zine." (Like most social groups, "fandom"
developed its own terminology ("fanspeak")mostly
by compression because stencils, paper, and postage cost money.)
My impression is that neither of these words were derived from
publications about movie stars, and that those came later, but
that might be ethnocentrism. My definition of
"fanzines" (would you believe that there is some difference
of opinion about the "proper meaning" of the word?)
is usually something like: "Amateur, not-for-profit publications
produced by and almost entirely for members of science fiction
fandom" with care being taken to avoid even attempting to
define "members" or "s-f fandom". (You'll
notice that nothing is specified about the content having anything
to do with science-fiction.) It's probably not a part of the
definition, but they're traditionally almost always available
for "The Usual" (coined by British fan Derick Pickles,
probably in the '40s)initially by request plus about enough
stamps or cash to cover the cost, or one's own fanzine in trade,
then for continued Trade, Letters of Comment (not necessarily
to/on every issue), or occasional contributions of publishable
material (including artwork). I generally use
'Zines (with the initial apostrophe and upper case) to cover
just about anything else that might be reviewed in Factsheet
Five. Here, "The Usual" gets kinda dodgy'Zinesters
(often with an eye on newsstand/public sales) tend to be more
ambitious and less likely to treat their publishing entirely
as a money-sink hobby, and I'm comfortable with a Cash Payment
requirement along the lines of an amount covering cost of printing
and postage, rounded up to the next full dollar. (OTOH, I rather
frequently find 'Zines that announce a "No Trades"
policy to be uninteresting; I understand the financial and other
constraints leading to this policy, but publishers who aren't
much interested in what the readers are saying and doing tend
to be a bit outside my sphere of appreciation & enjoyment.) By the time I discovered
this scene, about 1958, "(Science-Fiction fandom) Fanzines"
frequently had little to do, directly, with "science-fiction"
(or "fantasy," which is commonly lumped in with it);
those of us who produced them had (for the most part) become
more interested (at least for the purposes of publishing) in
one-another, and in our other shared experiences, than in the
genre that had spawned us. (Cf. Ruel Gaviola's account in Amusing
Yourself to Death #9 of the Independent Literary Publishers Conferenceadd
a few more social/personal details & snippets of conversation,
assume that most of the readers are at least acquainted with
most of the people mentioned, extend it to four or five pages,
and you have a typical fanzine convention/party report.) The above comments
re fanzines ignoring sf aren't inaccurate, IMHO, but might be
misleadinga fair number of old-time (& some newer)
sf fans and fanzine editors & writers are still interested
in the genre, and believe that good writing and stimulating ideation
can be found there, and some do write about this in fanzines,
but I suspect that most of us are more likely to talk about such
things in person, at lit-oriented conventions or online (mostly
in rec.arts.sf.fandom and *.written), if only because the field is now
so broad that you can't any longer expect that most of the fans
in a large group (say, the couple of hundred readers of a fanzine)
have read or will read the same recent book, so in-depth discussions
aren't common. Addendum:
Since writing this piece, I've discovered (though links in the
E-zine Resource Guide)
a whole bunch of amateur publications termed "Science Fiction
Fanzines" that are not what I was writing or thinking
about. They're from a daughter community, or a cadet branch of
the family, perhaps, but seem to be so strongly oriented towards
fiction based on TV & movie media sf, and sufficiently lacking
in personal interaction and a broad scope of interests that it's
difficult to think of them as part of the same family, other
than that they're also DIY publications. For a sampling of the
products of "Traditional Science-Fiction Fanzine Fandom"
your best bet is probably Joe Siclari's site, Important Fanzines and Articles about Fandom.
Joe is most interested in bibliography and the preservation of
fanzines so old that even I find many of them more quaint than
interesting, but he's keyboarded some of the more important of
the older fan writings, and (more to the point, here) provides
Links with most of the "Traditional style" fanzines
and fanwriting that appear on Web Pages.
Reprinted from Amusing Yourself to Death,
Issue 10. Posted with permission. return
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