Top : Zine Distribution

  • An Interview with Sean Guillory
    Sean Guillory was the head of Primordial Soup Kitchen, a popular zine distro that shut down in 2000 after five years in operation. The interview was conducted by Jen Angel of Fucktooth in 1996.
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)
  • Behind the Zines Distro
    Billy McCall accepts order by Etsy, email or snail mail.
    (Added: 4-Jan-2025)
  • Grrrlzine Distros
    A list of distros, compiled by Elke of the Grrrlzine Network, that distribute grrrl and feminist zines.
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)

  • International Standard Serial Number
    Blasphemy to some, great fun to others. The ISSN is an eight-digit number used chiefly by librarians to identify periodicals, including zines.
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)

  • MagCloud
    Upload a PDF of your fanzine and HP will print it in four-color at no cost to the publisher. Instead, readers pay 20 cents per page plus shipping for each made-to-order copy. You set your issue price and keep all proceeds above the base. Each issue is printed on 80-pound paper with saddle-stitched covers. You can browse and order titles here.
    (Added: 14-Apr-2009)

  • Negotiating the Labyrinth
    Some thoughts on distributing your print zine from David Hirschi, a buyer for Desert Moon Publications. This article originally appeared in Punk Planet in 1997.
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)

  • Pulling the Strings: How Businesses and Institutions Attempt to Control the Small PressLook!
    Print only. $2 cash from Fred Woodworth, P.O. Box 3012, Tucson, AZ 85702
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)

  • The Realities of Zine DistributionLook!
    The cold, hard facts, from Daniel Sinker, editor of Punk Planet. This article originally appeared in Punk Planet in 1997. With a response by Dok Kaper.
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)

  • Whizzbanger Guide to Zine DistributorsLook!
    Print only. A list of self-descriptions from 150 distributors in 30 countries, about half of them outside North America, available for $4 cash from Shannon Colebank, P.O. Box 5591, Portland, OR 97228
    (Added: 1-Jan-2002)

  • Zine Mail Orders: A Vanguard
    Sean Guillory, formerly of Primordial Soup Kitchen, explains the ins-and-outs of punk rock zine distribution. From Punk Rock Academy.
    (Added: 7-Mar-2003)

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