Larry Roth, Living Cheap NewsAge: 49 Selection: The Limits of Cheap (page 146) Recent reviews (from The Tightwad Gazette):
"Larry's wit is razor-sharp when he's angry or annoyed."
(From The New York Times): "Living Cheap News has a mean
urban slant." Sample: $1 cash from P.O. Box 8178, Kansas
City, Missouri 64112
When did you launch your zine? What inspired you to do so?
At the time I launched LCN,
I was aware of only one new frugality publication, The Tightwad
Gazette. While this publication was and is excellent, it seemed
to me at that time it concentrated on doing things that took
a lot of time. I was a wage slave at the time, and most of my
friends were members of two-income families. While we wanted
to save money, spending a lot of time at it made for false economy.
I had already written a book called Living Cheap, so I started
the newsletter, keeping the name from the book. Why publish a zine?
Why not? Have computer; can
pay printer. It lets me get my views out to people interested
enough actually to pay to read them.
Any general tips for aspiring zinesters?
I had phenomenal luck. When
I went into putting out this zine, I did not do it to make money.
But once the very first issue was printed, The New York Times
called about my book and wrote about both it and my publication.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime scenario. I figure this was the universe's
way of telling me this is what I'm supposed to do. What's your favorite part of doing a zine?
The writing. In my other life, I'm a:
Former procurement weenie
for a big defense contractor. Fan
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