- The
Book of Zines: Readings From the Fringe

Anthology of pop culture writings from about 80 zines, selected
and edited by Chip Rowe. Originally published in paperback in
1997 but now available for the Amazon Kindle,
Barnes & Noble
nook, nook
UK, Kobo Reader and
iPad / iPhone / iPod
- Factsheet
5 Zine Reader
An anthology of zine articles selected by Seth Friedman, then-editor
of well-known "zine bible." Published 1997.
- Fanzines:
The DIY Revolution
A gorgeous oversized paperback by Teal Triggs, a professor of
graphic arts at University of Arts London. It features hundreds
of reproductions of zine covers plus a history of fanzines and
examination of various genres.
- The
Girl's Guide to Taking Over the World
An anthology from zines created by women, selected and edited
by Tristan Taormino and Karen Green. Published 1997.
- Stories
Care Forgot: An Anthology of New Orleans Zines
Reproductions of a dozen punk zines, including Chainbreaker,
Nosedive, Crude Noise, Rocket Queen, Emergency, I Hate This Part
of Texas and Chihuahua and Pitbull. Also includes author memoirs
of their experiences during and after Hurricane Katrina. Published
- Zine
Annual anthology of zine writing, edited by Jen Angel and launched
in 1997.
History and Interviews
- A
Guide to Chicago's Zine Scene & Alternative Press
A guide to zines published in Chicago. Published 2006.
- Alter
Ego: The Best of the Legendary Comics Fanzine
A/E was the first fanzine devoted to comic books and their history.
This volume collects the original 11 issues published from 1961
to 1978. Published 2008.
- Behind
the Zines: Self-Publishing Culture
Through interviews with people involved in zine production and
distribution, the book sheds light on various strategies for
this evolving media form. Published 2011.
- Below
Critical Radar: Fanzines and Alternative Comics From 1976 to
"Twenty-five years of print (and web) anarchy from the fringe
publishing culture." Includes interviews and five essays.
Edited by Roger Sabin & Teal Triggs. Published 2001.
- Boldly
Writing: A Trekker Fan & Zine History, 1967-1987
Trekker zine history by Joan Marie Verba. Published 1996.
- Enterprising
Women : Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth
Fan fiction history by Camille Bacon-Smith. Published 1992.
- Girl
Zines: Making Media, Doing Feminism
"The first book-length exploration of this exciting movement."
Published 2009.
- Mystery
Fanfare: a Composite Annotated Index to Mystery and Related Fanzines
by Michael Cook. Published by Bowling Green State University
Popular Press, 1983.
- Notes
From the Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture

Stephen Duncombe explores the history of zines and zine making.
Published 1997. Also available in paperback.
- Some
Zines: American Alternative & Underground Magazines, Newsletters
& APAs
Edited by Bobbi Cunningham. Published 1993.
- Why Publish?

In 1989, Mike Gunderloy, the founder of Factsheet Five, compiled
a 54-page paperback called Why Publish? It contained dozens of
responses to that question solicited from zine editors. Mike
has graciously allowed to post Why Publish? as a
PDF file as a free ebook available for download.
(Added: 10-Feb-2002)
- The
World of Fanzines: A Special Form of Communication
By Fredric Wertham, author of the famous comic book "expose"
Seduction of the Innocent. Published in 1973 by Southern Illinois
University Press. Largely focuses on science fiction fanzines.
- The
World of Zines: A Guide to the Independent Magazine Revolution
Collection of reviews from early issues of Factsheet 5. Edited
by Mike Gunderloy and Cari Goldberg Janice. Published 1992.
- Zines,
Volume 1
Extensive interviews with zine editors, including the creators
of Beer Frame, Crap Hound, Thrift SCORE and Housewife Turned
Assassin. By V. Vale. Published 1996. Search for the best price,
or purchase both volumes directly from the publisher for $10
plus $6 postage. Email
for information.
- Zines,
Volume 2
More interviews with zine editors, including the creators of
8-Track Mind, Dishwasher, McJob, Murder Can Be Fun and Temp Slave.
By V. Vale. Published 1997. Search for the best price, or purchase
both volumes directly from the publisher for $10 plus $6 postage.
for information.
How-to Guides
- From
A to Zine: Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library
Published by the American Library Association.
(Added: 13-Feb-2005)
- How to Publish a Fanzine

In 1988, Mike Gunderloy, the founder of Factsheet Five, wrote
a 91-page paperback called "How to Publish a Fanzine."
He graciously allowed to post it as a PDF file as
a free download, or you can read any of four chapters in HTML
(Added: 1-Jan-2002)
- How
to Self-Publish Your Own Comic Book
A guide to the business, production, distribution, marketing
and promotion of independent comics. By Tony Caputo. Published
- Jamming
the Media
Gareth Branwyn's 1997 guide to public access television, film,
video, the Internet, zines and other DIY avenues is getting harder
to find.
- Make
a Zine! A Guide to Self-Publishing as a Book on How to Produce
a Zine
Bill Brent is the editor of the sex and humor zine, Black Sheets.
This is his no-nonsense guide, published in 1997, to creating
a zine. It includes a chapter specific to sex zines. A new edition was
published in 2008.
- Poor
Richard's E-mail Publishing
An essential guide to publishing a zine via electronic mail,
including the best software and promotion techniques. By Chris
Pirillo of Lockergone.
- Stolen
Sharpie Revolution
A brief guide to doing a zine, including tools, layout, copying,
printing, trading, promotion, ordering, mailing and distribution.
- Webworks:
This design book by Martha Gill makes liberal use of the term
zine, profiling online magazines such as Time and Fortune, as
well as "renegade upstarts" like Suck and Urban 75.
But it still may be useful for ideas about site design.
(Added: 1-Jan-2002)
- Zines
Edited by Liz Farrelly. This 94-page book presents visual examples
of self-published projects from around the world, covering many
genres and formats. Published 2001.
(Added: 1-Jan-2002)
- Zine
Scene: The Do-It-Yourself Guide

Francesca Lia Block and Hillary Carlip assembled this colorful,
popular guide to creating a paper zine aimed at young women.
It also includes excerpts.
(Added: 1-Jan-2002)
Children & Teens
- Reggie's
Tie-in to Rocket Power, a cartoon on Nickelodeon that features
Regina "Reggie" Rocket, an 11-year-old who has her
own zine. See also 'Zine Queen.
(Added: 2-Jun-2002)
- Whatcha
Mean, What's a Zine?
Illustrators Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson put together this
handwritten and lively guide for teenagers to making their own
(Added: 24-Dec-2005)
- Fanzine
By Paul Stapleton. Join Fanzine Boy and his two friends Kelvin
and Simon as they desperately try to sell a copy of their dismal
small press publication in this Kindle-only, 39-page comic.
(Added: 3-Apr-2011)
- Walking
By Tim Brown. Walking Man documents the life and times of Brian
Walker, publisher of the zine Walking Man. Through a fateful
encounter between his foot and a yuppie's BMW, Brian becomes
the most famous zine publisher in America.
(Added: 27-July-2008)
Anthologies (Single Title)
by the Goads (1994)
First three issues.
Used |
by Bad Subjects (1997)
Political education.
New // Used |
edited by Tom Frank (1997)
Consuming essays.
New // Used |
by Paul Lukas (1997)
Strange products.
Used |
is Dead
by Darby Romeo (1997)
Retro hell, '70s & '80s.
Used |
Big Rumpus
by Ayun Halliday (2002)
East Village Inky.
New // Used |
by bOING bOING (1995)
Happy mutant guide.
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by Marcelle Karp & Debbie Stoller
The new girl order.
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by Aaron Cometbus (1999)
A short collection of his best writings.
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Cometbus Omnibus
by Aaron Cometbus (2002)
A long collection of his best writings.
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The Duplex Planet
by David Greenberger (1994)
Revealing interviews with the elderly.
Used |
Evel Incarnate
by Steve Mandich (2000)
The life and legend of the great jumper.
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by Marilyn Wann (1999)
A guide for the happily overweight.
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edited by Roxxie (1998)
For athletic women with attitude.
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Guinea Pig Zero
by Robert Helms (2002)
Waiting-room material.
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Hip Mama
by Ariel Gore (1998)
No-nonsense advice.
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by Daniel Drennan (1998)
New York diaries.
New // Used |
by Donna Kossy
Maybe they're right.
Used |
Living Cheap News
by Larry Roth (1996)
Live for less.
New // Used |
Out Your Backdoor
by Jeff Potter (2001)
A zine anthology.
New |
Pagan's Head
by Pagan Kennedy (1998)
She builds a following.
Used |
by Jim Hogshire (1999)
Marketing & history.
New // Used |
Punk, the Original
by John Holmstrom (1996)
First punk zine?
New // Used |
The Realist
by Paul Krassner (1997)
Great satire and humor.
New // Used |
by Lisa Carver (1996)
Dancing queen.
Used |
by Lisa Carver (1996)
The best of book.
Used |
Search & Destroy
edited by V. Vale (1996)
San Francisco punks.
Used |
Search & Destroy
by V. Vale (1997)
San Francisco punks.
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Temp Slave!
by Jeff Kelly (1997)
For hourly workers.
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Thrift SCORE
by Al Hoff (1997)
Hidden treasures.
Used |
We Owe You Nothing
by Daniel Sinker (2001)
Punk Planet interviews.
New // Used |
Working for the
by Jeffrey Yamaguchi (2000)
Wage slaves.
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by Pete Jordan (2007)
Cross-country suds.
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Future Generation
by China Martens (2007)
Punk parenting.
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Clamor Magazine
by Jen Angel (2008)
A critical history.
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by Wilson (2006)
Psycho fanzine.
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Kiss Army!
by Gene Simmons (2009)
Anthology of Kiss zines.
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Touch and Go
by Vee, Stimson, Miller (2010)
Hardcore punk '79-'83.
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